from $5.00


Single moms will skip paying their household bills to buy Clothes, School Necessities, and Christmas gifts for their kids.

I know this mom’s profile all too well because it was me. Living just above broke and overcompensating with my boys to make up for the lack in other areas of their lives.

Single moms often sacrifice their own health and self-care because they lack meaningful support in the area of time, money, and caregivers to take the time for their well-being.

These are the moms who are over-givers and very often will become sick because of chronic stress and worry, and her self-care comes last.

She’s often living paycheck to paycheck. Any kind of out-of-the-ordinary expense creates a financial hardship. The car broke down, unexpected illness and missed time from work, layoff from business (it happened to me), death of a spouse, divorce, and absentee fathers (yup! x2 on the deadbeat dads for me).

Single moms tell their kids NO way too often for things that are really common for most other kids, like field trips, seeing the latest and greatest movie, grabbing a milkshake at the Chick-fil-A drive-thru just for fun, or because mom is too exhausted to cook, sports activities because they are too expensive…or they rely on grandparents (this was not an option for me) to cover these “extras."

This occurs partly because family is often far away or unavailable to help take the edge off with taking the kids for a few hours or a few days – leaving moms always in on-mode, playing referee for sibling disputes, and chronic caregiver.

Often, she can’t afford a babysitter to get time away to relax and reboot, or worse, she feels guilty and undeserving. They say it takes a village, but most single moms don't have a "village." They are figuring this thing called life out solo. 
It is my hope and vision that your small contribution will express to these moms that they are not forgotten; they are valued and supported. That they, in fact, are not invisible – we see them, we understand, and we care.

As women and important contributors to our society, I want to give them a nudge of encouragement and hope they feel inspired to keep going and being the best they can – and when they can, they’ll pass it on…and with that, we have started an important shift in connection with humanity that will change our community in countless ways.

To honor these single moms, The Wild Olive Soapery will gift one mom a month a special pampering package to show them that we care. 

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